Opening Hours
Thank you for visiting the Museum of Games and Gaming website. Unfortunately we are no longer open to visitors. Thanks to everyone who came to see us, got involved or just played games with us.
Our Organisation
The Museum of Games and Gaming exists as an independent museum to preserve, illustrate, explore, interpret and document the historical importance of games and the influence of gaming upon society and industry. The organisation is formed for the benefit of the local community, general public, students, schools and academics.
We are a history museum formed in 2014 and house a collection of games and gaming artefacts at our archive.
The museum does not have a visitor space currently but holds exhibitions at game related events, local universities, museums and art galleries. Our exhibitions are educational and focused on delivering meaning to audiences in an entertainment based environment. We do this through practical hands on game sessions set against traditional interpretation media to provide a cohesive narrative. Learning is natural and informal providing extra depth to the entertainment value inherent in gaming exhibitions.
Our goals are as follows:
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Call Us: 01772 972359
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